My Personal Dictionary


Definitely not in the traditional sense. So many times we have put out a turn of phrase or a word usage that is uniquely appro pro or perhaps distinctly clear in a meaning never before expressed. We are like that, because we fair from so many distinctions, we create language on the fly and in the spur of mere moments. ~VOCABULARIUM~ is a process of interactively defining, discussing, defending, destroying verbal and written construct.

The flow is NOT to create a fixed definition framework... instead, the words, definitions, authors, challengers all engage in a continuously evolving and expanding lexicon of ~commonly~ ~shared~ ~word~ ~usage~ concepts. Today's usage vs yesterdays as considered for tomorrow.

Vocabularium is the reference of now. While most words will be associated with their default or initial definition, many will be continuously modified... who will have the last word? There are 6 interactive traits that each entry presents to the user. Several other metric are collected as the entry exists in the data base.

  • Search For: ... the word, phrase, hashtag or other text string. The lexicon is allowed to grow by unique entry only.
  • Reason for Challenge: ... if the word is new, the Reason or Challenge is simply why you have elected to create the reference. If the entry is being challenged, this should reflect the inspiration for the Challenge or change. This data is a last modification update trigger
  • Link to Challenged Post: ... This GEM is validated. When Link resolves as a valid URL, the GO! is enabled. The Link is a valid key word redirect and contain an ASCII string or Link beginning with http:// or https://. The suggestion being to make this the point of reference to the entry or the point referred by the entry. This field provides the means for user managed back linking and other measuring and referral mechanisms. This data is a last modification update trigger
  • General word part: ... Select from a shortlist including Noun, Verb, Adjective, etc and including HashTag, Phrase and others. This data is a last modification update trigger
  • Extended Definition: ... the compensatory definition applied to the entry. There is only a single data field per entry. The data field is dynamic in that the last update is the only content. The compensatory definition can be modified in its entirety and is maintained through collaboration or last value entered. This data is a last modification update trigger
  • Where/Who: ... This semi voluntary data is either the current user IP address or the tag provided by the current user. The data field is dynamic in that the last update is the only content. This data is a last modification update trigger


These elements make up the My Personal Dictionary Reference

My Personal Dictionary Reference is searchable interactive lexical database. The lexicon is grown and consists primarily of user generated terms and phrases. With virtually no restriction or constraint other than being in plain ASCII, any user can create a unique instance and add a working reference or referral link. Once an entry exists, its keyword relevance is based on the current definition. The life or term of any definition is until the next update. The frequency of update is based on user interaction. The metric generated through interaction drive tote boards and generate notification triggers... The shin bone is indeed connected to the knee.


Trust that we all speak the same language...NOT!!

What is said... What is heard... What is intended... What is understood... What is believed... What is known? ...are seldom the same thing? What you might call it, may definitely not be what it is, that is... to someone else. News that is entertaining or an entertaining presentation of ~The News~... How different can they be?

A definition of ~truth~ could be... [Image Projection (what I say)/What is intended] + [Image Reception (what is heard) / How it is understood] = 1 where 1 implies that there is no ~disparity~ in ~understanding~.

What a ~word~ means at any given instant has little to do with how it may be ~used~ (intended)... "What language are we speaking?"... becomes quite the valid question.

Vocabularium wants your meanings, vernacular and usage to be ~fluid~ and at the same instant we want access to root and standard definitions. Hog wash... we just want to entertain the idea that people need a clearing house... a way to check the current application of a word or phrase or maybe even a way to coin a phrase and have a reference to when they first turned the coin. Someone may just take issue with your particular vernacular or usage and challenge... interesting... to say the least.


Language is an ~agreed~ set of ~constructs~ establishing a common usage and intent to meaning between any two or more participants/systems/organizations.

Human language is unique in being a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited.

Types of ~language~ verbal, written, operational, a programming, body

The set of symbolic instruction codes that is used to represent operations and data in a machine, document

In order for a language to be understood, functional, operational the definitions, actions, meanings have to correspond to the expected... and must be previously agreed to in ~purport~


Right now ...

The System allows for:

    Word Searches

    The current word list can be ordered Alphabetically, by Access or by Activity. There are filters for database field sorting and a key word fragment filter. The display shows the current number of words in the database or the number of words (phrases, hash tags, etc) in the current list. Paging is automatically advanced to the interactive screens when your search yields a single, unique or new term. If a search yields more than a single entry, the count is shown and the list is available for display under MPD List Display. When in array display (Browser) or list display (Mobile), any word hovered or clicked will reveal stats and open the interactive form.

          1. Display the entire current DB when you open with a regular browser. When you open the mobile app. you have to select MPD List Display drop down where the list will be loaded.
          2. When the list is truncated or to change the Filter or List order MPD List Display has both text and field based filtering.


            Word Date - Filters list by entry date. All words/Phrases etc entered on a listed date are in the compilation. This filtering shows period activity in the lexicon.

            Word Part - Filters list by assigned group. This assignment is loosely based on the unction intended for the entry. It may be possible to identify trending of different types.

            Who/Where - Filters the entries by the Place (IP Address) or the name assigned by the originator or the ~Last Word~ user. This grouping can be used to organize by Author or subject is so arranged.

            Word Status - Is a functional filtering. Word status is not assignable by normal or registered users. These tags are used as controls to assist in managing notifications and other behind the scene functionality.

          3. The List can be reset by using either Reset button or by clicking the Search Button without any field criteria being set.

    Word, Phrase, HashTag and other simple text commentary entry and update

    The data entry fields that allow textual input for search or commentary are not restricted simple alpha text entry fields. You are free to enter words, phrases, hashtags. If you put it in here and expect it to be permanent... you are at the wrong place. What ever is entered is likely to be changed in some way by someone... and that is a good thing. When all is doing as it should, any changes to information that you enter will generate a notification to you and ideally anyone else interested in tracking the particular item. Once an item is in the DB, it is not likely to be removed. Any related text is subject to change but the actual word, phrase , hashtag, etc will remain as a unique entry to the lexicon.

    Links can be added to pretty much any valid URL or e-mail address... The intent with the link is for you to provide reference to or from your entry

    Ahhh... an opportunity for temporary self-aggrandizement... Along with any entry is a link field where just about any valid link to a site , page, image, e-mail address... practically any validate able URL can be entered and will become click able. Here is an interesting SEO tidbit... these pages are constantly being indexed by some of the most persistent indexing bots i have seen. What could this mean to you?...

    Word Definition/Commentary, Where/Who, Parts of Speech, Type and related Link Updates

There are currently no user access restrictions... so... anyone can add data and begin immediately to change and modify info that is there. This is not a fixed format or content ~vocabularium~. Data can be added and modified. Base entries... the specific words or phrases build the lexicon

The ~rules~ or ~protocol~ for challenge and update as well as the notification schema is definitely up for discussion.

  1. Currently ~notification~ is only available through e-mail. Facebook and Twitter notifications are the primary targets although rss and other social outlets could develope better usage.
  2. In order to receive notification that one or more of our entries/updates have been modified, you have to acquire an ID. The simple registration wants a name, a user id, a password and an e-mail address to send the notification to.
  3. Anyone can use the database without registration. Only registered users will know when and who made the changes and have a direct link to the modified entry.


Word of the Day / Flash Cards

Word of the Day:

Real Estate Flash Cards:


The next few ~iterations~ ...

We'll be looking to:

    Improve the flow in the UI

    Add a few more features ... suggestions please?

    Consider access security and privilege by login

    Design in notification and tighter integrate social

There are currently no user access restrictions... so... anyone can add data and begin immediately to change and modify info that is there. This is not a fixed format or content ~vocabularium~. Data can be added and modified. Base entries... the specific words or phrases build the lexicon

The ~rules~ or ~protocol~ for challenge and update as well as the notification schema is definitely up for discussion.


This is a work in progress as well as a developing concept ...

Ideas for:

  • Color / Design
  • Function / Feature
  • Social / Media
  • Support / Application



Slang... Is Not a ~Language~ ...

No doubt as it is used daily, slang symbology has become less structured less functional and more or trend. Where ~tradition~ would embed vernacular variation (create slang), now has become more the current verbal faux pas of the rich and likely infamous.



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